Printable Real Estate Forms
Find all the real estate documents you need: appraisal forms, mortgage forms, residential forms, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac forms, FHA, HUD & VA forms, real estate forms and more. Create, print or download your documents for free.
- FannieMae Forms: Forms that lenders and servicers must use in fulfilling the requirements contained in the Selling and Servicing Guides.
- CFPB “Know Before You Owe” Mortgage Forms: The Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosure rule replaces four disclosure forms with two new ones, the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. The new forms are easier to understand and easier to use. The rule also requires that you get three business days to review your Closing Disclosure and ask questions before you close on a mortgage.
- FreddieMac Guide and Forms The Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) contains Freddie Mac’s selling and servicing requirements with updates to these requirements published in the form of Guide Bulletins and Industry Letters.
- HUD Forms Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) one-stop forms resource page.
- VA Forms Department of Veterans Affairs Forms resource page searchable by form number, title or keyword.
- IRS Forms Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms and publications.
- GSA Forms General Services Administration (GSA) forms library searchable by form number, name or keywords.
- USDA Forms & Publications Electric forms, Telecommunications forms, and RUS Wide Forms (E & T).