State & County QuickFacts

Find online statistics for all states, counties, cities and towns, general population and housing characteristics, home value estimates, neighborhood stats and more.

  • Locate a county by city, town, place name or ZIP code
  • State & County QuickFacts: Statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with population of 5,000 or more.
  • City-Data analyzes informative profiles of all cities in the United States, such as home value estimates (including recent home sales), local businesses, schools (including their demographics and test scores), hospitals, libraries, tourist attractions, local businesses, restaurant inspection findings, building permits, bridge conditions, hotels, water systems, airports, cell phone towers, property tax assessments, and car accidents. United States cities, counties, zip codes, and neighborhoods are profiled and compared using governmental data about race, income, education, crime, weather, housing, maps, air pollution, and religions, for instance.